The other side of the store is just as full of interest |
One thing I hadn't expected to see was the great selection of yixing teapots! They ranged from modestly priced to rare antiques. It was a real treat to examine them all. Michael took the time to show me all the really special ones he kept in one of the locked cases. Of his more moderately priced ones, he told me most were manufactured in the 1980's when good yixing clay was still readily available. As many of you know, a serious tea habit often leads to new addictions in the form of collecting good teaware. My yixing collection, while still very small, is slowly but surely starting to grow. I've been wanting to find a good quality yixing that's well-suited for aged puerh, and there couldn't have been a better opportunity. Michael pulled out several from his collection that he felt would suit my needs, all of them made from the very dark purplish variety of zisha clay. I'm thrilled with my new yixing! It's a great little pot and I've been diligently using it every day now. Hopefully I'll get around to dedicating a blog post about my experience with it.
No visit to a good tea shop is complete without sampling some tea, and Michael treated me very well, starting with a session of the renowned 88 Green. I watched carefully as he prepared and brewed it, learning a great deal just from that, but the best tip (well, one of the best) was watching him pry leaves from the cake with the puerh pick. So THAT'S how you do it! I'm embarrassed to say how many times I've drawn blood trying to work the pick in from the side. Nice to know that puerh drinking doesn't have to be such a bloody sport! :)
"Always two rinses," Michael said, although he was always quick to point out (in his typically humble way) that this is just the way he does things and not some kind of "expert rule." With well-aged puerh he rinses once (just in-and-out with the water) and then puts the lid on the yixing to let the leaves sit inside the warm moist cavity for a minute or two before giving it a second quick rinse. This allows the old leaves to swell and rehydrate, he explained, preparing them to give their best. I've tried this a few times since our meeting and I must say it really makes a difference. With younger sheng he doesn't do the "letting it sit in the yixing" part. In fact, he doesn't use a yixing for younger sheng, at all. If the puerh is ten years or younger he brews it with a gaiwan. He also mentioned he likes to match the age of the yixing with the age of the tea, although he gave a big laugh when he said this, again noting it was just the way he liked to do things and not a rule you have to follow for good tea.
The 88 Green was marvelous. Full and rich, flavorful and active. I noticed whenever he reboiled the water (every few steepings) he would add fresh water to the kettle. "Keeps the water active and alive," he said. Yet another tip I've put to good use since our visit that has had noticeable results. I asked him all the big water questions -- what kind of water did he use? What about additives like bamboo charcoal or minerals? etc. But I'm coming to find that the matter of water really just boils down (oy, pun..) to one's own individual location and tastes. He had worked out the best water for his style of brewing and region, and while he had a few suggestions for me it's really up to me to find what's available in my area and what tastes best to me. I guess I knew this already, but there's always the hope for that One True Answer (the perennial slippery slope). But I'm inspired once again to do more water experiments now that my palate is more experienced (also, no small thanks to Mattcha's recent and very informative series on water, starting here).
seat of honor |
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all the goodies I came home with |
Being the fragrance lover I am, I asked Michael if he ever used an aroma cup. "Never for puerh," he said, but he does when tasting oolongs. I was surprised to hear this and was puzzling over it when he handed me the freshly emptied fairness pitcher, which puzzled me even more! I had no clue what I was supposed to do with it or why he was even handing it to me. Noting my cluelessness (hard not to miss!) he showed me how to hold the pitcher under my nose to take in the aromas. Like other things I learned from him this day I've been incorporating this into my practice at home, as well. Enjoying aroma in this way has a lot of advantages over the aroma cup. No fussing with little cups (which always used to burn my fingers) and you get to enjoy those heavenly evaporative fragrances throughout the whole session and not just one time at the start. Yes, there's always the yixing lid to offer some of this, but using the fairness pitcher in this way is superior I think, in that the shape of the pitcher naturally funnels the aromas in a particular direction, especially if you hold the cup like Michael showed me (I'm kicking myself now that I didn't get a photo of this, sorry). Essentially, the pitcher is held nearly sideways by the handle, with the handle below and the opening held just under the nose. It takes a bit of practice to locate the upward flow of aroma and hold it under your nose just right, but once its there its full of reward. The 2001 Bok Choy was truly amazing when appreciated this way (and all the other ways, too)!
Michael and Patricia Fung, valued friends :) |
Sounds like an amazing way to spend the day. Glad to see a fresh post from you. What's the cake that you bought?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, and thank you :) The cake is the 97 Feng Qing (or 97 Green), said to be a younger generation of the 88 Green. Only time will tell, eh?
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like they only carry higher end teas. Is that what they mostly sell?
ReplyDeleteHi CloudMountain,
ReplyDeleteThey sell affordable teas as well, but those are not listed on their website. The bowl of wild-grown silver tips pictured above were $25/100g. I brewed some this morning -- mmmm :) The brick and some of the tuos were very reasonable, too. All under $50 (except for the two Xiaguan tuos from 83 -- not cheap, but very good! I'm hoping to do a blog entry on those soon)
I had Read about your Whole trip and also read the best Tea House on your Trip. You had shared such an nice tea house things with us.
ReplyDeleteThis was such a fun read. It did transport me, allowing me to vicariously believe that I was at the tea table too, trying different teas.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading about you're new tea pot.
Now you need to make a trip to Asia!
ReplyDeleteherbal tea, skua -- thanks for stopping by. Makes me wish there was the technology to host some sort of online tea session with you all.
ReplyDeleteMarshalN -- You've named my number one wish! (by the way, really enjoying your re-tasting posts. fascinating)
This Tea House have a lots of Teapot. All Sized teapots are decorated beautifully in whole Tea house. I am really very gad after seen this beautiful tea house.
ReplyDeleteOhh my God. You have great collection of Tea Cups and Mugs. I like them all. I want to buy Cups and Pots like you have. Good to see this.
ReplyDeleteI have read on your whole trip and also read the "tea house" best on your journey. May involve such things nice tea house with us.
ReplyDeletewhat's their web site?
ReplyDeleteI usually try to embed links in the text of my blog posts. If you click on "The Best Tea House" in the first sentence of the post above it should take you to the website. But if that doesn't work for some reason, the website address is